Tottenham's Toby Alderweireld says coronavirus crisis is encouraging society to think about others

"Try to help each other and be there for each other," urges Spurs defender in Sky Sports News interview; Belgian star has been donating electronic tablets to hospital patients

By Paul Gilmour, Sky Sports News

Toby Alderweireld says he wanted to give people some joy by donating tablets to hospitals and nursing homes to help fight the coronavirus

Tottenham defender Toby Alderweireld believes the Covid-19 crisis will encourage society to show kindness to others, as the world comes together to fight the virus, reports Sky Sports News' Paul Gilmour.

Alderweireld, who recently donated video tablets to hospitals and nursing homes for vulnerable people to keep in touch with family, believes we can all reassess what matters most during the pandemic.

"We are so focused on our own lives but this crisis allows us to think about other humans and try to help," Alderweireld told Sky Sports News.

Image: Alderweireld's generosity has made a big difference to the sick and elderly, and residents in nursing homes

"We try to go to the supermarket for the older ones so they don't have to leave their house so these small things are wonderful.

"A small thing for me and a small thing from you can make a big difference and when this disappears, we must not forget this time. Try to help and be there for each other."


Alderweireld has been left "full of joy" after seeing the reaction to his donations to elderly and sick people who are in isolation.

"We were still training at that time but we have a lot of European players at the club so we were already hearing about coronavirus so I called my dad and said we have to do something," he said.

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"We called some hospitals in Belgium and asked what can we do? They said they needed tablets.

"Not everyone has a smartphone. They can keep in touch with family, it can give them joy and something to look forward to on long days."

The gesture also extended to sick children confined to a hospital room.

"They can play a game on the tablets so they can have a break from their treatment so I'm very happy to do this," he said.

Image: Alderweireld has urged people not to forget the importance of togetherness after the pandemic

"I don't put football down but it's nothing if the people you love are sick or you can't see them. When you lose a game, you feel bad but if you're healthy or have family around you, you'll be okay."

Spurs players have been training from home via video conferencing with Jose Mourinho and his coaching staff taking the sessions but that is nothing compared to father duties.

"I have two very little children. One is a little older than a month and the other is just over a year and a half so my day is full! My daughter is so happy I'm home all the time!

"We try to work and we have our schedules. We have to be fit because you never know when we start playing again. We have to be ready for it.

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"We have our own schedules but it's nice to do the fitness together even if it's on a video screen and it helps to create team spirit even if we are far away from each other."

Before the crisis developed, Alderweireld had been enjoying his time playing under Mourinho.

"He's a very good people manager. Even in this period when it's difficult and no one has ever experienced it, he is doing wonderful and everyone is so happy he's here," he said.

"It's all positive and we are looking forward to working again together on the screen or, of course, the training ground."

Image: Alderweireld has been receiving training instructions from Jose Mourinho via video conference

Spurs have been active in helping others after offering the use of their stadium to the NHS in a bid to fight coronavirus, while they have also launched healthy living and club themed school work guides for children, along with caring for the elderly.

"Football is more than just a sport," said Alderweireld. "Clubs are showing they want to be there for society."
