Tottenham won't change policy on 'Y word' chants ahead of Chelsea clash

Tottenham say only a total clampdown on anti-Semitism would make them reassess club standards on their fans chanting a term for Jewish people which some find offensive.

The statement follows reported comments from the Chelsea chairman, Bruce Buck, who said "the use of the Y-word by Spurs supporters or by anybody is wrong".

Tottenham have traditionally drawn a large fanbase from the Jewish community, and some supporters have historically called themselves the 'Yid Army'. In the past, some Chelsea fans have used the term against Spurs in derogatory chants.

The two sides meet on Wednesday night at Stamford Bridge in the Premier League.

A Tottenham spokesperson said: "We have always been clear that our fans (both Jewish and gentile) have never used the term with any offence.

"A re-assessment of its use can only occur effectively within the context of a total clampdown on unacceptable anti-Semitism."

The World Jewish Congress (WJC) insisted last month the 'Y' word has "anti-Semitic connotations", citing Chelsea as a club that has taken steps to stop fans from using similar terms.

Image: Bruce Buck wrote an open letter to Chelsea saying racist chanting of any kind is 'unacceptable'

Chelsea issued a statement on New Year's Day, reminding fans that racism of any kind is "unacceptable" and "unwelcome" following allegations of anti-Semitic chanting during their Premier League 1-0 win at Crystal Palace.

Buck wrote an open letter to supporters condemning the actions of a "few mindless individuals".

The WJC, which represents the Jewish community in over 100 countries, as well as the Board of Deputies of British Jews, released a joint statement demanding Tottenham take similar action against fans referring to themselves as "yids".