WONDERKID trailer: New short film about gay footballer

Take a look at the trailer for the new short film WONDERKID, which portrays the inner turmoil of a young gay footballer

His talent, undeniable... his temperament, unreliable. Just what is going on in Wonderkid's head?

The pressure is mounting for a young up-and-coming professional footballer in a new short film supported by the Football Association and the Premier League.

WONDERKID: What's the story?

Director Rhys Chapman, actor Chris Mason and Sky Sports' Martin Tyler and Geoff Shreeves explain...

Directed by Rhys Chapman and starring Chris Mason (who played the Kray twins' cousin Ronnie Hart in the 2015 crime thriller Legend), 'WONDERKID' follows the inner turmoil of a talented player battling with the stress and scrutiny of the modern game, and the concealment of his sexuality.

Contributing to the ongoing 'Football v Homophobia' campaign, the 30-minute film has been commissioned to help raise awareness about a lack of openly gay professionals in the sport.

Image: WONDERKID stars Chris Mason and is directed by Rhys Chapman

'WONDERKID' will premiere at the Odeon Leicester Square before the start of next season and will later be released online.


Sky Sports commentator Martin Tyler, pundit Alan Smith and reporters Geoff Shreeves and Guy Havord have all lent their voices to the project.

Also See:

Watch the trailer above to learn more about WONDERKID...
