Isolation Teammates: Raul Jimenez picks Wolves' isolation team for the coronavirus lockdown...

From Jonny and Ruben Neves doing the isolation cooking to Pedro Neto being the isolation nightmare

Smithy catches up with Wolves striker Raul Jimenez to hear about which of his teammates would be the best (and worst!) companions if he were isolated with them

Raul Jimenez's coronavirus lockdown Teammates - from the best barber at Wolves to the football challenge king...

Wolves top scorer Jimenez spoke to Sky Sports' Adam Smith from his home for an edition of Teammates with a difference - it's isolation style.

So who's doing the cooking during lockdown, who would he want to be isolated with most and who would be pinging in the #stayathome football challenges?

Isolation mate?

I think Jonny. I'd pick him because with him, he's the one I spend most time with and I think we would have a good friendship.


Isolation chef?

Either Jonny or Ruben Neves. I have some information that he could be a good cook. He likes to make desserts - maybe he can do the desserts and Jonny can do the rest of the meal?

Also See:

Isolation prankster?

Maybe Moutinho. I have a sensation he would do that.

Isolation cleaner?

Image: Rui Patricio always makes sure he's looking sharp...

Rui Patricio. I think with him, he's always making sure he's looking good. He looks after himself well.

Isolation barber?

I need one now! I have to do something with my hair and my beard. I'm trying to leave it until this is all finished, we were talking about cutting it or doing something different. Everyone is cutting their hair, but I don't want to do it! Maybe we could do something funny… Maybe, maybe.

John Ruddy could do mine. He's very calm so he might be the one.

Best isolation beard?

It's not a team-mate, but the coach - Nuno.

Best isolation DJ?

Leander Dendoncker is the one who puts the music on in the dressing room. He speaks Spanish, English and French, so he puts a mixture from all round the world.

Football challenge king?

Image: Joao Moutinho - Wolves' most complete player?

I think Joao Moutinho. He's the most complete player, with the most technique, most experience. He's my partner when we are warming up on the two-touches, and we try really hard balls for the other one.

Gym instructor?

I think you are thinking the same as me, Adama Traore. I could never get as big as him.

Isolation nightmare?

Maybe sometimes Pedro Neto, but all days I think it's difficult! He's always speaking, speaking, speaking. He does not stop. Never.

Press play on the video at the top of the page to watch Jimenez's answers in full.

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