'Eternal happiness': French press react to World Cup win

France beat Croatia 4-2 in the World Cup final on Sunday

Image: The French press react to their World Cup win

As the French wake up as world champions again, we run through the best reaction from the press.

France's 4-2 victory over Croatia gave them a second star above their crest following their 1998 victory, and despite the rain falling on their trophy lift in Moscow, it didn't dampen the celebrations as the country rejoiced on Monday morning.

Le Parisien's 'Head In The Stars' headline summed up the feeling, while La Depeche simply go for 'We Love You'.

Image: L'Equipe
Image: La Voix Du Nord

'An Eternal Happiness' say L'Equipe, Le Figaro go with 'The day of glory has come', and La Voix Du Nord say 'Thank you' with an image of the celebrating French crowd.

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Sports Minister Laura Flessel also said on Europe-1 radio that the victory allows France's youth "to dare to believe in their dreams."

Image: La Depeche
Image: Le Figaro

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