Damon Hill Q&A

During his visit to Sky Sports HQ on Tuesday, we grabbed a few words with new signing Damon Hill about the year ahead and his old rival Michael Schumacher

During his visit to Sky, we grabbed a few words with Damon Hill about the year ahead - and Schumi...

Well, you managed to keep this news quiet!
"Did we? Well, it was first discussed around Christmas and I just considered it too good an opportunity not to take up. It was very straightforward, really. Even though it's a few years since I stopped driving, I've never stopped looking at F1 and never lost interest. It's a sport that I love. "The timing was also extremely appealing. Until recently, I've been very much involved in the BRDC [the British Racing Drivers' Club] and focused on our work there. But I'm now freed up from that [Damon stood down as president of the BRDC in April after five years in the role] and able to follow the circus again during what is a very exciting time for the sport." You're impressed with the current crop of drivers then?
"In my view, because of the amount of young talent coming through, F1 is now more competitive than it has ever been before. There's so much talent and so much strength in depth." And 2012 will be critical year for so many of them...
"Yes, but that's true of almost every year. In most other sports, opinions are all that matter. In F1, with every car now carrying a computer, a driver knows that he is being tested and watched at every moment. You are judged after every lap and everything you do is analysed - what work you do in the gym, your state of mind, the lines you take on a track. There's just no hiding place at any moment." You mentioned your role with the BRDC. Presumably returning to Silverstone in July will be a special occasion for you?
"It's not without reason that the British Grand Prix takes place in mid-season. We should be very proud that Great Britain continues to play such a disproportionate role in what is a truly global sport: Bernie is British, we have had British world champions, and the majority of teams are still based in Britain. It's a true asset and, with all due respect to France, which is still the home of the FIA, I do still consider F1 to be ours." How will you fit in as part of the Sky Sports F1 team?
"I'll be a pre-race and post-race pundit rather than a race co-commentator. I was a commentator for the Hungarian GPs some years ago [2007 and 2008] and I must admit, I don't envy their job. It's much easier to have something to say after the race when the dust has settled. "The commentator, on the other hand, has a critical role all through the race because he is the link between the audience watching at home and what is happening on the track. Their job is absolutely crucial because they have to create and convey the excitement..." No pressure on David and Martin then!
"Don't worry, they know their jobs better than anyone. They are great commentators in what is a very strong team." Final question. Are you ready for all those questions asking you about what it's like to commentate on Michael Schumacher
"I am! And my answer will always be the same: I have a lot of respect for Michael on and off the track, there is no rivalry between us. But there's also no way that I am not going to mention Michael Schumacher at some point during the season!" Related Articles:
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