Sky F1 exclusive: Bernie Ecclestone tackles F1's hot topics

Speaking to Sky F1's Martin Brundle, the F1 supremo discusses the future of the sport, the increasing power of engine manufacturers, and 'tearing up the regulations'

By Martin Brundle, Expert Analyst @MBrundleF1

Martin Brundle talks to Bernie Ecclestone about the current state of F1.

Bernie Ecclestone on…

Red Bull finding an engine for 2016
"At the moment it would appear they don't [have one], but I think we have nothing to worry about.

"Very often people say no to something and they don't really mean no, they mean maybe. So we'll see. I don't think we're going to [lose Red Bull], so I don't think about it. There are more opportunities out there than people think."

Whether Dietrich Mateschitz wants out of F1
"I don't think he wants to. He could, for sure, if he wanted to. But he's a racer at heart."

Whether manufacturers have too much power in F1
"If you had a team and Mercedes were supplying you with engines and they wanted a vote on something, you'd have to put your hand up and vote for whatever they wanted otherwise maybe you're not going to get the engine you want."


The state of F1's rulebook
"I think we need to tear up the current regulations - both the sporting and technical - and have a good look. What we've done in the past is cross out one bit of the regulations and put another piece in like patching up a really old house that should be pulled down. It's about time we pulled the house down and had a good look."

The current engines
"They're all going to make new cars anyway for 2017 and we need to decide what we're going to do about the engines. What type of engines do we need? Do we need this type of engine? I don't think the public give a damn if they're super, super, super efficient. I don't think the public care."

Also See:

Making cars harder to drive
"I was looking at some old photographs the other day and you see the cars sideways - that never happens these days."

Force India and Sauber's EU complaint
"I think they were wrong, but that's what they've done. The commission will have to look into it now for sure. I don't exactly know what their complaint is. Maybe they're spending too much money that they don't have. They don't seem to be able to organise a budget properly."

F1's current constructor model
"I'd like to see 13 two-car teams. It's very difficult for a new manufacturer to come in today."

Silverstone's F1 future
"They should have a bit of support Government-wise because it does an awful lot of good things for England. Somebody said to me today 'the only way you'll get anything done is cancel the race and maybe people would wake up'. I said 'oh, I don't like threats'.

New owners for F1
"The shareholders will sell some of their shares - because they have to, not because they want to. We are looking at people that I hope that long-term want to invest rather than perhaps getting the money coming out. The last lot of people we've been speaking to are the right people. I think if it's going to happen it'll happen this year." 

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