Peter Manley and Alan Warriner-Little discuss the PDPA offering financial relief to players

PDPA announced financial backing for players who are finding times tough through the coronavirus pandemic

By Raz Mirza

Image: Peter Manley (L) and Alan Warriner-Little have offered financial relief to players through the PDPA

"It's great that we can give some sort of financial relief." The Professional Darts Players Association (PDPA) chairman Peter Manley and chief executive Alan Warriner-Little have reiterated their support for players.

Manley and Warriner-Little spoke to The Darts Show Podcast about what's turning into a busy time for the PDPA as many darts players come to terms with no competitive action during the coronavirus pandemic.

Those who are unable to support themselves in a difficult time can rely on the organisation to help out financially as well as mental health wise.

"We're a member of the Professional Players Federation (PPF) and sitting with them and every association within sport is putting some sort of package together to help players and to help their members," said Manley, who was a three-time PDC World Championship finalist during his time as a player.

"Unfortunately we've only got 128 on the Pro Tour. I don't think we could have afforded a lot more to be honest. But it's great that we're able to openly give some sort of financial relief for them."

Strangely enough, despite being at home, we're actually really busy
Alan Warriner-Little

Warriner-Little said the whole "shabang is staying open" is order to maximise their communication avenues.

"We do three or four PDPA meetings a week on Skype," he said. "We had a meeting this morning, me and (PDPA director) Andy Scott, with the PDC to look at the calendar for the rest of the year and the tournaments that have been cancelled. Strangely enough, despite being at home, we're actually really busy."

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Image: Manley spoke about the importance of speaking about mental health

Manley added that the importance of speaking up about mental health in a time where people are being told to stay at home to save lives is fundamental.

"We've just taken on a communications manager, Chris Murphy, which is highlighting everything we do and our services which are available. It's not something we weren't doing but it's nice to have somebody who is right at the forefront of everything," he said.

"One of the things that came out of joining the PPF was our alliance with Sporting Chance and having met Tony Adams last year, he was very disappointed when we put a seminar on - which we do annually for the players - and only eight out of the 128 turned up to listen to him.

"Some players are actually using their services, which is good. It's all very highly confidential."

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