Professional Darts Players Association announces financial support scheme for PDC stars

Image: The players body has announced a financial aid package

The Professional Darts Players Association has announced financial support for players affected by the current suspension of tournaments.

The PDC Pro Tour season has been put on hold due to the coronavirus outbreak, with a number of tournaments getting postponed.

On Tuesday afternoon, the PDPA announced measures being put in place to aid players in the coming weeks.

"The PDPA has announced measures to assist PDC Tour Card Holders during the Covid-19 pandemic," read a statement.

"As always, our members' health and well-being is our utmost priority. Additionally, the financial impact on our members due to the pandemic is something which we and the PDC continue to monitor daily.


"Therefore, for our members' benefit we announce the following:

  • "An Immediate Emergency Fund of up to £1,000 for any Tour Card Holder in real need of immediate financial assistance. This fund is SPECIFICALLY for members who are currently suffering a real negative financial impact due to the Covid-19 outbreak. This applied-for payment will be non-repayable.
  • "A PDPA/PDC Hardship Fund for any tour card holder who requires further financial support in the months ahead in the form of an advance against future prize money. The details for this fund will be forwarded to all tour card holders in due course."

Like all major sports, it remains unclear when action will resume, but this move is sure to help players through the current spell.

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