Carl Frampton vs Scott Quigg: Carl Froch can't split them

By Carl Froch, Boxing Expert & Columnist @Carl_Froch

Carl Froch says Frampton v Quigg is a genuine 50:50 fight and it is too early to commit to picking a winner.

Carl Froch can't make up his mind, but is at least certain the showdown between Scott Quigg and Carl Frampton is a classic 50-50 fight...

This is the sort of fight people crave.

The first thing is, it is a genuine 50-50 fight. People might have had Carl Frampton down as the favourite in the past, but I am not so sure now.

This is a 50-50 fight on paper; it is a genuine even match, and anything goes. It is so, so tough to call.
Carl Froch

Scott Quigg's performances against Kiko Martinez, compared to both of Frampton's, have changed a lot of people's minds. 

It was merciless. He saw an opening and went for it in some style. We always say we shouldn't compare fights but it is impossible not to when you are talking about two world champions with nothing between them.


Before that, I would have gone with Frampton, expecting him to just have a little bit too much, but that was marginal. And I mean marginal. Not any more though. This is a 50-50 fight on paper; it is a genuine even match, and anything goes. It is so, so tough to call.

It is great to see both putting their world titles on the line, but I don't think they care. Unifications involving our world champions don't happen very often, but neither of them should think about it - and I am sure they won't.

Also See:

Image: Frampton was Froch's close favourite, but not any more

But for us fans, it just adds a little more to the whole occasion. Neither Quigg or Frampton will turn up in Manchester to do a different job; I never did, and I am sure they won't. 

But it gives us something else to talk about.

The Manchester Arena is a great place to have this sort of fight as well. We all remember the Ricky Hatton days and my first one with George Groves - and I got dog's abuse when I walked in - so I will never forget it! It is a brilliant fighting city.

It all got very feisty when Carl Frampton and Scott Quigg went head to head at the Belfast press conference!

It is Quigg's backyard and although I am not sure that makes a massive difference, experience is one thing that might well work in Quigg's favour to balance that out.

He has had 33 fights compared to Frampton's 21, and with six world title fights compared to three, he has just been through it more - and the more you go through it, the more relaxed you become.

It doesn't matter how many rounds you've sparred or how much training you've done, experience is a really big plus. It is going to be tight, so close - the smallest things might make a difference. 

We have another four months of this and we are all going to change our mind, from hereon in.

It is a huge, huge fight, the sort of fight we all want to see and the fact that it is so close, it makes it even better.
