Gennady Golovkin looked unstoppable against David Lemieux, says Jamie Moore

By Jamie Moore, Trainer & Pundit

Ed Robinson discusses all of the weekend’s results

An emphatic unification win for Gennady Golovkin, points victories for Sam Eggington, Matthew Macklin and Kal Yafai, plus alligator wrestling. Here's Jamie...

How good a performance was that from Gennady Golovkin?

Jamie says: Don't say that name - it scares me! A quick, accurate jab is horrible to get round but can you imagine it with that sort of power as well? It must be so disheartening not just for David Lemieux but for any middleweight looking for chinks in his armour.

Golovkin got caught cleanly a few times the other night but it didn't seem to have any effect and that's a scary thought considering how devastating a puncher Lemieux is. Golovkin looks the complete package and until he's up against someone bigger than him who can put him on the back foot, I don't think we'll see any chinks in his armour.

When you're looking for ways to beat someone, you want to see tiny glimpses of weakness where they look uncomfortable, but he never looks like he's got in to fourth gear.
Jamie Moore

I don't think he even got out of second or third gear. When you're looking for ways to beat someone, you want to see tiny glimpses of weakness where they look uncomfortable, but he never looks like he's got in to fourth gear. He's always in second or third and I think it'll take someone bigger and physically stronger to push him backwards; not a fair fight, basically, because I don't think he'll be beaten through ability.

Sam Eggington battled past Dale Evans but did his reputation suffer slightly?

Jamie says: I think it'll make him better in the long run. Dale Evans beat him in the Prizefighter so in that sense, Eggington has got the monkey off his back by reversing that defeat. It also highlighted the fact that Evans is a bit of a bogeyman for Eggington because he wobbled him with the same right hand that he did in the Prizefighter.

Image: Dale Evans (left) and Sam Eggington fought out a classic

People in the welterweight division will be looking at that and thinking they can exploit that. It's something that Eggington has to go back to the gym and work on with John Pegg. They're a great team together and he's come on leaps and bounds recently.

He's only young so don't rush him too quickly. In hindsight, Frankie Gavin's withdrawal may have been a blessing in disguise because Gavin is an experienced, top class fighter. He lost at world level to Kell Brook but he's still a very good tactical fighter at domestic level. Eggington would have the size advantage but he's got loads of things to work on and he's still only 21.

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What did you make of Matthew Macklin's new counter-punching tactics against Jason Welborn?

Jamie says: There are points that were good and bad. I watched it back again and he did some cute things that you don't really realise on the night. He was slotting some nice little counter-shots downstairs with his back to the ropes and if you're hitting people in the pit of the stomach then it has an effect later on in the fight. It slows people down.

Image: Matthew Macklin (left) adopted new tactics to beat Jason Welborn

He was doing some nice things in there but he is trying to adapt his style as he gets older. It's difficult to do and doesn't happen overnight. Having spoke to him since the fight, I understand what he's trying to do and it's the right thing - you can't be a high-octane pressure fighter all your career because you'll end up retiring early like me! He's adapting his style for longevity.

I believe he could have stopped Jason Welborn out of there if he'd adopted his old style. He neglected the left hook and that's probably his best shot. There were things he didn't do because he was trying to adapt his style. If he's going to go up in levels then he'll have to improve but knowing the type of person he is, the better the opposition then the better he performs.

Kal Yafai eased past Steve Cunningham but were you disappointed to see it go the distance?

Jamie says: Kal totally dominated the fight. He was meant to on paper but did so even more than expected. Part of his problem is that although he punches hard for the weight, he was relying on that a bit too much on Saturday night. He has a rich amateur background having been part of the Team GB squad and his boxing skills are of a top quality.

Image: Kal Yafai secured a wide-margin points victory over Jason Cunningham

Yafai needs to get back to boxing and stop relying on the power shots. If he'd have strung together more combinations and set traps like he was used to doing in the amateurs, then I think he'd have got him out of there the other night. 

Cunningham was getting hit all night long and did really well to go the distance but at the end of it all, Kal could have put in a better performance.

Gary 'Spike' O'Sullivan has been wrestling alligators as part of his training. What weird and wonderful methods have you used?

Jamie says: First of all, I just want to make sure the alligators are alright because we don't want the RSPCA involved - Gary O'Sullivan is a bit of a beast really!

Image: Gary 'Spike' O'Sullivan has been wrestling alligators in training!

Personally, I never really went in for weird and wonderful training methods when I was a fighter but what we did do for Tommy Coyle's training when preparing for the clash with Luke Campbell was hire a chicken. We brought the chicken in to the gym and got Tommy to chase it around the gym. Anyone who follows me on Instagram (JAMIEMOORE777) will be able to see the result.

Before any fighters out there rush to copy that idea and follow in the footsteps, remember Coyle lost that bout so concentrate on chasing your opponent!
