Stephen Smith heads Liverpool's latest big fight night and The Panel can't wait to get there...

By The Panel, Boxers, Trainers & Pundits

Image: Liverpool is a true boxing city, according to The Panel

All eyes will be on Liverpool on Saturday night as Stephen Smith takes on Devis Boschiero and The Panel already know it's going to be a good night...

Paul Smith

I think it is the fighting capital of Britain and of course I am going to say that! But I can see why other people don't agree, simply because we haven't had a world champion for 22 years. Paul Hodkinson was the last to own one and he didn't even fight for up here in Liverpool, either.

I know Liverpool is the fighting capital of Britain - and the world - and once Stephen, Liam, or Callum does it, it will finally prove us right!
Paul Smith

Look at places like Manchester, they have had plenty of world champions in that period of time but we seem to have a lot more fighters - probably more than any city - that we think are going to do it.


I am pretty sure it will change with my brothers, but it's not like I need convincing. I know it is the fighting capital of Britain - and the world - and once Stephen, Liam, or Callum does it, it will finally prove us right!

Image: Paul Hodkinson is Liverpool's last world champion... 22 years ago

Johnny Nelson

The Smith brothers and other fighters such as Tony Bellew and Rocky Fielding have really helped boxing come to life in Liverpool lately. You can see the fans appreciate it.

Even in the amateur days it was always a hotbed for fighting and now the sport is back in its rightful place in the city.
Johnny Nelson

I always loved going to Liverpool to fight. Even in the amateur days it was always a hotbed for fighting and now the sport is back in its rightful place in the city.

It'll be a great atmosphere and I can't wait for the action to start. The fans always get behind their fighters and the support will be vocal.

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Jamie Moore

It's a brilliant atmosphere, I've got to say. Every time I boxed in Liverpool I got a great welcome. Scousers seem to love me for some reason - even though I'm a Manc! I've always got on great with them.

Every time I boxed in Liverpool I got a great welcome. Scousers seem to love me for some reason - even though I'm a Manc!
Jamie Moore

My greatest memory boxing in Liverpool was obviously winning the British title there. I took the fight at five days' notice and won the British title there for the first time.

It was the moment that changed my career. It will always have a special place in my heart. I lost the ABA north-west counties final there so I thought I'd have similar luck when I went back there, but it wasn't to be that night. I went over there and did a great job to beat Michael Jones on points, so it's a special place for me.

Image: Liverpool's finest, former world light-heavyweight champion John Conteh

Spencer Oliver

Boxing in Liverpool has always been brilliant. The crowd up there are fantastic. I boxed up there myself and I used to love it.

The crowd up there are fantastic. I boxed up there myself and I used to love it.
Spencer Oliver

It's a city that has always produced fighters. Right back from the days of John Conteh and Paul Hodkinson and now you've got the current crop at the moment.

Boxing is booming in Liverpool.

Glenn McCrory

Liverpool has always been a great boxing place. I like going there. You know they know their boxing when as soon as you walk in the station, or walk in a shop, everyone says 'Hiya Glenn.'

Every time you get in a taxi in Liverpool, the guys know as much as you about the boxing. They're a very knowledgeable boxing crowd.
Glenn McCrory

Every time you get in a taxi in Liverpool, the guys know as much as you about the boxing. They're a very knowledgeable boxing crowd.

They've produced some great fighters. It's very much a working-class city so they love their sport - their football and their boxing.
