Tony Bellew world title glory delights Johnny Nelson

By Isaac Robinson

Image: Tony Bellew sinks to his knees after landing the knockout blow

Tony Bellew is now a world champion with the world at his feet and it nearly left Johnny Nelson speechless. Nearly...

I want to cry for the boy. He just did so, so well. He did it all wrong, but he got it all right! He got involved with a man that was dangerous. [His trainer] Dave Coldwell said he got greedy and when he was greedy he paid the price in the first round.

The natural instinct in Tony Bellew, being a gritty fighter knowing he's going to leave it all on the line here. He got exactly what he wanted. He was second to none. Breathtaking. I just don't know what you can say about that. That kid has just done it and I'm so proud of him.

Watch the moment Tony Bellew knocked out Ilunga Makabu

For Dave, you've got to feel for him. He's put the work in with Tony Bellew and David Price and Jamie and Gavin McDonnell. All of a sudden, he's getting a team there and success breeds success. Dave's got a good insight of the tactics - he's worked with Brendan Ingle and Adam Booth.

Now Coldwell is coming into his own. He feels very comfortable saying: 'Boys. Do what I say and we'll get exactly what you're after.' You never know, he could do the same thing with Price. These guys swear by him. Coldwell must be doing something right because Bellew swears by him, Price swears by him and so do the McDonnell brothers.


It reminded me of Carl Froch boxing Lucian Bute. He jumped on him. Bellew and Makabu were like gunslingers and the punches were whizzing past. It was just who landed first. A mad gamble but he did the right thing and jumped straight on him.

Fairytale for Bellew

Tony Bellew completed his dream at Goodison Park

He was saved by the bell. He was caught square-footed and you could see when he got up that he was fazed knowing he'd made a mistake. One thing I've got to give him is props for the bottle he showed in the fight because that happened in the first round.

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To go back and jump on him again and put himself back in that same position, most fighters would have been cautious.

The week when we were filming here for the Everton game, Tony told me that it was the worst training camp he's ever had but that he was going to win no matter what. He told me about all the injuries had - that wasn't just for show; I knew he was injured.

Tony Bellew says he cannot put into words how it feels to win a world title

This man said that no matter what, he was going to give it his all. That's why it was so emotional for him, his team and his family because they knew. It's the worst training camp he's had and he still pulled it off. That's why you've got to give him credit.

It was mad. Both of them were throwing hooks and they were both going past each other but once Tony got his shot in, he said: 'This is it.' They were both slinging hooks and just missing and Makabu got caught first. Bellew gambled and he won the gamble. It could easily have been the other way around.

I bet Dave Coldwell was having kittens in the corner wanting him to get out of there but Bellew knew he'd hit him, hurt him and got him. A puncher knows when they've landed a shot and the man gets a little weak in front of them and that's when you jump on them. Instinct.

Image: Bellew was quick to call out David Haye afterwards

In the first round, Bellew seemed to hurt him and thought he had him, then Makabu walked him back and put him on his back, he went and did exactly the same thing again and took that chance. Tony knows he has the power. Tony knows when he's hit someone if he's hurt them.

Now he's talking about he wants to fight David Haye. That's not him just gassing in there - these are fights he wants. He actually really wants to get Haye back down to cruiserweight and fight him.

His life will change now forever. He's now in the history books. He's now become a world champion. He's an actor. He's in a Hollywood film. He's got so many options in life that it's untrue!

British boxing is incredible right now. Fighters all over the world look at it and want to fight here. They're willing to travel here because they get a fair crack. This wasn't a given - Tony was the underdog here and most thought Ilunga would knock him out.
