Johnny Nelson gives Amir Khan credit and wants to see him fight on despite Saul Alvarez KO

By Johnny Nelson, Boxing Expert & Columnist

Johnny Nelson knows Amir Khan made one split-second mistake against Saul Alvarez, but made it quite clear he should carry on boxing and also carried a warning for his good friend Kell Brook...

I am glad he has ruled out retirement. I want to see Amir Khan carry on. 

I know there are plenty calling for him to quit, some because they love him and are worried about that knockout against Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez and some because they just loathe him.

Image: It was one concussive punch, not a shellacking, says Johnny Nelson

Where Amir goes next is the obvious problem but the bottom line is that he can - and will - go on.

I know people are worried about the lasting effects of that knockdown and I understand everyone being concerned about that but believe me, all the damage is done in the gym and this was one concussive shot from a known banger.


The consistent and constant blows in the gym do the real damage and had Amir been knocked from pillar to post by Canelo for those six rounds, I would be worried. But he didn't.

It was one shot that took him out. He wasn't getting a beating, he wasn't on the end of a shellacking and none of us wanted the referee to step in
Johnny Nelson

It was one shot that took him out. He wasn't getting a beating and none of us wanted the referee to step in.

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I've watched that knockout several times and it was a split second when he lost concentration, and of course Canelo's power, that were behind it. Amir threw a shot, moved back, blinked, look down but by the time he looked up Canelo had let that right go and there was no way out. End of.

Image: Johnny Nelson had Amir Khan 4-1 ahead on his scorecard

If his timing and speed had both gone I would be worried and wondering what Amir Khan has left to offer. But from what I saw, there is plenty. He was ahead on my card and just that split-second lack of concentration was the one thing that cost him.

I do not think Amir Khan should pack it in and I still think there are fights out there for him. I do think he should step down, though. We knew it was a tall order against any top middleweight fighter and I would rather his moving up was a gradual process, especially when you're talking about going straight in against Canelo.

There is nothing that can be done about that now but again, give him credit. He did not go in there to lay down and pick up however many million dollars, Khan wanted to take on the best and beat the best.

Image: Floyd Mayweather made it look easy against Alvarez

Wherever he goes next, it showed us a couple of things. It showed us how good Floyd Mayweather is because he made it look easy against Canelo and that in itself showed Amir he was nowhere near the man he had been chasing for ages. It was a reality check. He will know that, now.

Amir is obviously going to move back down in weight and although I can't see him ever getting as big a fight as Saturday night, there are still names out there.

Timothy Bradley and even Adrien Broner are the first two that spring to mind and when it comes to Kell Brook I am, like you, now wondering if that is going to happen.

Kell Brook believes he would knock Amir Khan out if the pair were to fight

But if it does? It is by no means a given, or a done-deal, even after being knocked out. Well, Kell is my mate, but don't make the mistake that if these two do ever get it on that it is a done deal for Kell. Here and now, even though he is my mate, this is a fight for Amir Khan to lose.

Kell Brook would have to be the one stepping up and showing us something we have never seen before. I think Kell can do it but we need to see him do something different and better, regardless of what we saw at the weekend.

Johnny Nelson got all he could handle when he stepped back in the ring with Kell Brook for some sparring!

Yes I know Kell can punch and yes, we have seen Amir Khan knocked out badly, but we have seen him rebuild himself after the first one against Breidis Prescott and the second one by Danny Garcia.

We will have to sit and wait to see where he goes next, but the one thing I think we should all do is give Amir Khan credit and respect.
