Khan vs Lo Greco: Conor Benn destroys Chris Truman in ring return

By Matt Horan

Conor Benn marked his first win of 2018 with a brutal knock out.

Conor Benn lived up to his 'Destroyer' nickname at the Echo Arena on Saturday night as he blasted past Chris Truman inside four rounds.

The 21-year-old again demonstrated his devastating punch power, finishing his 33-year-old foe with a punishing left uppercut in the fourth.

Benn has been out of action since December last year, when he was pushed all the way and floored twice by Cedrick Peynaud over six rounds, but he showed vast improvements as he improved his unbeaten record to 12-0.

It was a confident start for the son of boxing great Nigel, who was sat watching ringside, and Benn quickly got into his rhythm, bouncing in and out of range to land clubbing blows in an action-packed opener.

The Birmingham man, Truman, was clearly being outclassed and in the second period, he had to bite down on the gumshield as 'The Destroyer' unleashed a barrage of brutal hooks to the body.


A head-clash then caused a cut over the right eye of Benn, but the Ilford welterweight refused to let it affect him and again unloaded with his trademark hooks to maintain his dominance.

Truman hung in there but the finish came quickly in the fourth when, after a break, a heavy right hand preceded the finishing uppercut that sent the Birmingham man to the canvas before the referee waved off proceedings.

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Speaking afterwards, Benn said: "I still rushed things but I hope I showed I'm progressing and that's what matters. I know I've learnt, I got the win and will go back to the gym and get back to work.

"I believe I have a destiny, I didn't plan on being here, it just happened."

Promoter Eddie Hearn added: "Conor wants the Peynaud rematch and that could happen in July, but he will probably be out before that at the end of May."

Conor Benn secured his ninth knockout victory with his win against Chris Truman and after the fight he reiterated that he just wants to keep progressing.