Tony Bellew reveals details of winning diet after defying David Haye's jibes about his physique

By Tony Bellew, Boxer & Pundit

Image: Tony Bellew was not worried about how his body looked ahead of Saturday's win over David Haye

Tony Bellew described himself as a 'fat guy' before he sensationally defeated David Haye, so we asked him to reveal the diet plan which fuelled his victory.

At last week's weigh-in, Haye openly mocked the physique of the Merseysider, suggesting that Bellew had 'eaten a bunch of pies' to bulk up for their heavyweight grudge fight.

Image: Haye appeared the more superior physical specimen at the weigh-in

Bellew himself admitted his bitter rival looked like an 'Adonis' on the scales, but Haye's muscular body would ultimately break down as he suffered an 11th-round stoppage defeat at The O2 last Saturday night.

The Sky Sports expert has explained the reasons for his food regime that helped him to topple 'The Hayemaker'...

Did you aim for a certain weight?

I tried to get as close to cruiserweight as I could, without deteriorating my body. My diet basically consisted of four to five meals a day.

Image: Bellew tipped the scales at 15st 3lbs 8oz with Haye weighing 16st 9oz

How would you start the day?

I would begin with a protein shake first thing. I've got a banana flavoured one at the minute, which I don't really like, but I just down it. I've also got strawberry and vanilla.

Image: 'The Bomber' will refuel with up to three protein shakes a day

I don't have to run at 5.30am any more on an empty belly to lose weight, so it will be around 8am. I'll have that first protein shake then go to the gym, lift my weights, and do my strength work on a Monday morning.

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How long until you eat something?

After the gym, I'll have another protein shake, then head home for a bowl of fruit and nut with some honey on top at about 11am. I might have a coffee after that.

As long as I'm fit and healthy and I've got the energy to perform in the gym, that's all I care about.
Tony Bellew

What is served for lunch?

If my missus is home, it will be poached eggs and salmon. Quite a large portion of that, then I will go to trainer David Coldwell's gym for my workout.

Have you earned a decent dinner?

I'll either have a Nando's, which is basically chicken, sweet potato and corn, or my missus will give me a Tupperware box with a spiced-up breast of chicken, sweet potato, corn and spinach.

Image: Chicken is on the menu for Bellew's evening meal

I'll have two boxes of them, within three hours of each other.

Is that your final meal of the day?

Just before I go to sleep, I'll have one more protein shake.

How would you describe your diet?

It is the food of an athlete, but I'm not as regimented. As long as I'm fit and healthy and I've got the energy to perform in the gym, that's all I care about.

Image: The Liverpudlian lasted the pace in a physically demanding battle with Haye

I'm not someone who thinks they have to take certain amounts of fat off. I don't need that. I just need the energy to get my job done.

Do you think food played a part in your win?

I don't care what food you eat, it comes down to how hard you work in the gym. No-one works as hard as me, I really do believe that. Well, no-one at my weight works as hard as me!

Image: Bellew savours his dramatic triumph at The O2

And did you treat yourself afterwards?

Nowhere was left open, because I had done drug tests and blood tests. I really wanted a pizza, but there was none on the menu, so I had to have fish and chips.

It was alright, but I did get a full English breakfast the morning after.

Image: He treated himself to a celebratory meal of fish and chips

Will you put on much weight after the fight?

No, I'll stay around the weight that I fought at. I'll have a full week off, I'll eat what I want, and then I will go back to being kind of regimented again to help with the training.
